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Subheadline Trumps Encouragement Of Russian Aggression Raises Concerns

NATO Allies Reeling from Trump's Call for Russian Attack

Subheadline: Trump's Encouragement of Russian Aggression Raises Concerns

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US allies are expressing alarm following former President Donald Trump's recent comments encouraging Russia to attack European allies that do not meet NATO's budget requirements. Trump's remarks have been met with widespread condemnation, with many expressing concern that they could embolden Russian aggression and undermine the unity of the Western alliance.

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During the weekend, Trump suggested that the United States should not defend NATO members who do not pay their fair share. "If these countries don't start paying their fair share, we're not going to protect them," he said. "We're going to let Russia do it." These comments have been condemned by current and former US officials, as well as NATO allies.

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Experts have warned that Trump's remarks could have serious consequences. "Mr. Trump's throwaway comments still constitute dangerous talk at a dangerous time for NATO and for the Western world," wrote Doug Mills in The New York Times. "They could embolden Russia to pursue further aggression in Europe."
